Monday, 29 August 2011

Lutley Wedge 29/08/11 07.30am (10°c) Cool cloudy and overcast. Wind (W) F3

Pretty uninspiring this morning in the decidedly cool and breezy conditions, however there was still some limited 'vis mig' on offer.  A single Yellow Wagtail flew over along with a few late Swifts, and a short lived pulse of House Martins in three flocks went purposefully South from around 0800am.
1 Yellow Wagtail ➝E
2 alba Wagtail ➝SW
6 Meadow Pipit (3➝W) (2➝NE)
8 Swift (4➝SW) (3➝WSW) (1➝N)
46 House Martin ➝S
4 Swallow (1➝S) (1➝W)
6 Goldfinch ➝S

Swift and House Martins 29/8/11

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