Sunday, 5 December 2010

Lutley Wedge 05/12/10 11.15am (1°c) Cold, clear skies with hard frost and ice/snow (-3°c overnight)

The ground on the patch today was still frozen hard and covered with ice this morning caused by the slight thawing of the lying snow over the last few days re-freezing overnight, making conditions underfoot treacherous. 
The highlights birding wise were 2 Common Snipe which flew over at 12.35pm . A few winter Thrushes were still around in the hedgerows with 30+ Redwing and 2 Fieldfares seen, and I also managed to get a good sound recording of one of the Fieldfares which was perched in the hedgerow along the Top Footpath. Also seen of note :-  1 Goldcrest, 10 Siskin, 6 Bullfinch, 2 Red-legged Partridge, 2+ Common Buzzard, 3 Herring Gull >N/NE and 13 Black Headed Gulls (including 1 carrying a leg ring). 

Fieldfare (Sonogram) Lutley Wedge 5/12/10 

Fieldfare calls Lutley 5/12/10 by Lutley Birder

1 comment:

Jason K said...

Nice work with the Fieldfare recording Craig